Welcome  7th  Graders!


Class 8 / Week 8

Jesus' Leads Us to God

"G" Bucks are available !!!
for this AHA -- Week 8.

Watch all videos & then
click on 'G' Buck link
at the bottom of this page.

Are You Ready?

How's Your GPS?

Working?  Not Working?

Part 1

Lost?  Where's the GPS?

Part 2

Do You Know Anne?

Your Best Way Is...

New Key Words

New Key Words are added each week!

To increase our 'head knowledge' about God,
we need to speak & understand the lingo.

See how many of these 'key words' you know.

Click on this link for instructions
to get your 'G; Bucks for AHAs:

Ready to Get Your "G" Buck for Week 8
Click on this link:

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