Welcome  7th  Graders!


Class 2 / Week 2


Where Are You?

Why Am I Here?

The 7 Day Creation Story

The Old Testament of the Bible gives 2 accounts
of the creation of the world by God.

Here's the account given in the
Book of Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-4

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. What did God use to make the world and all that is in it?

2. What did God do/say to create each thing in the world?

3. What did God say about his work at the end of each day?

4. What did God say when he created male & female?

5. What did God say when he created YOU?

The Fall of Adam & Eve

The story of Adam& Eve, & their 'fall' is found in the first book of the Bible,
the Old Testament, the Book of Genesis 2:.1-25; 3:1-24.

Watch what happened.

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. What was the Garden of Eden like?

2. What was the 1 commandment God gave Adam & Eve?

3. Who tempted Adam & Eve, & what did he say?

4. Why did Adam & Eve decide to disobey God?

5. What happened after Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit?

6. Is the world we live in today the Garden of Eden?

God's Covenants with Man

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. What is a covenant?

2. What are the 2 parts of a covenant?

3. Who did God make a covenant with?

4.  Who kept the covenant?

5. Who is the New Covenant?

The Problem of Pain

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. How you had great suffering or pain in your young life?  Do you know someone who has?

2. What do you think about God and human suffering?

3. How have you dealt with pain and suffering?

4. How have you seen others deal with pain and suffering?

5.  How does the life of Jesus and faith in God help you deal with the pain and challenges of life?

The Story of an 18 Year Old  - Chiara Luce Badano

Questions to Ponder

Be ready to discuss these in class. next week.

1. Are there people in the world today that are hostile to our Catholic faith?

2. What is a saint?

3. What is the value of the saints?

4. What do the lives of the saints mean to you?

5.  How did Chiara become a saint?

6.  What did you learn from Chiara's life that would help you get to heaven?

Key Words

To increase our 'head knowledge' about God, we need to speak & understand the lingo.

See how many of these 'key words' you know.

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